Monday, December 7, 2009

The Mystery Cowgirl

The bride was Maude Tarr Champion Cowgirl Saddle Bronc Rider
Can you identify this cowgirl and the famous cowboy she was married to?

First person to solve the mystery will WIN a candle from the Oh, You Cowgirl! collection personally signed by the artist, The Lone Cowgirl. Winner will officially be announced on the Oh, You Cowgirl! website

Rules: Record your answer right here on the comments page or email The Lone cowgirl with your answer. The first correct answer identifying both the cowgirl and cowboy wins!

Clue: She didn't appreciate the news story that reported her husband was married to another rodeo cowgirl.

Clue: The cowboy was well known as a saddle bronc rider but most famous for being reportedly married to a much more famous cowgirl. 

Clue: "Prairie Rose" was never married to him.

Tom Henderson, bronc rider, bulldogger. Married to Maude, not Prairie Rose Henderson.

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