The documentary film, Oh, You Cowgirl! has been chosen to participate in the online film festival Humanity Revisited and Culture Unplugged. It is now screening for a limited time free.
Culture Unplugged describes their mission statement in this way,
"We wish to build community that aspires further harmonization - not homogenization - of contemporary cultures, with objective to contemplate and contribute to transformation towards next phase in evolution - transformation that is of cellular nature. The primary means to achieve this is through creativity and its spiritual expressions. For this collective effort, coming together of institutions, individuals is a must."
Here is a short synopsis of the documentary film, Oh, You Cowgirl!
"Oh, You Cowgirl!" is an in-depth documentary film about the early 20th century cowgirls, the unsung heroes of the west. It is an honest-to-goodness cowgirl story that also reveals the truth about the legend and mystery of Prairie Rose Henderson. The film focuses upon the spirit and heart of the cowgirls of the wild west shows and rodeos, all champions, some coming from ranches in the west, some entertainers from the east, many giving up everything to do more than they "had a right to do." The impact these inspiring, courageous women had on history, and the significance of their invaluable contribution to our western heritage, has been overlooked for nearly one hundred years. It's high time their strength and character were brought into the light.
"Oh, You Cowgirl!" was well received in the Culture Unplugged International Film Festival. Thank you for your participation.
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